Power of God
The power of God makes one faithful.
that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, warm wishes and wonderful blessings in Jesus’ matchless name!
The subject verse (1 Corinthians 2:5) strikes the right chord in revealing that it is not in the power of those who preach us but by God’s power alone. Is it not true that the wisdom of man is nothing? Is it not true that the oratory skills of man by itself cannot make somebody faithful? Rather it is the ability of God which establishes faith in the man.
Certainly when God plants His words in one’s mouth and makes him to speak, it hits the right person with the right message. And the faith of the receiver flourishes. As the verse below says, faith comes from hearing the word of Christ.
So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Romans 10:17 NKJV
Moreover, those who put their faith in the people may utterly fail. But those whose faith is in the Almighty God are always blessed. Bible says not to be deceived. But always be on guard of those who distract and mislead. The evil and the wicked by their craftiness always mislead the children to false doctrine and wrong theology.
Read the Bible by the Holy Spirit
Beloved, whatever we get to hear from the preachers, pastors, evangelists or prophets should always confirm with the Holy Scriptures. Nothing should contradict what has been revealed by God in the Bible. Therefore, thorough reading and understanding of Scriptures is essential for us. We by our own knowledge and understanding cannot make it right. But seeking Lord the Holy Spirit in Lord Jesus’ name to understand the word of God is absolutely essential. Thereby we have a greater understanding of God’s word and not be mislead.
Finally beloved, let our faith not lie in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. In Jesus’ matchless name let every scripture be read and understood. Amen.