Category: Bible Verse

Faith by hearing the word

Faith comes by hearing the word of God.

Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.

Romans 10:17 NIV.
Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. Romans 10:17 NIV

Praise the Lord! Greetings and warm wishes in the mighty and matchless name of Lord Jesus Christ.

Dear brethren, no doubt we all have faith. We have faith in our beloved, in our friends and even in our pets. Isn’t it? And those who believe in God also have faith in Him. Most importantly without faith, there is no credibility in our belief on God. It is clear from the above verse that faith comes by hearing. And by hearing the word of God. The faith that is being talked about is not our day-to-day faith. That we all have in people, in our own abilities, talents or self. No real child of God can ever flaunt his faith. It does not do any good and moreover faith is something which God enables in all of us. Most importantly, faith is something that is very personal. Therefore, the works of faith are mainly visible in the lives of those people who walk with God. Certainly, God has granted and enabled faith in us by His word. Yes, Faith comes when we hear His Word.

Have a blessed day in Jesus matchless name. Amen.