Tag: 1 corinthians 14:20

Be infant with regard to evil

In regard to evil be an infant, but in your thinking be adults.

Brothers and sisters, stop thinking like children. In regard to evil be infants, but in your thinking be adults.

1 Corinthians 14:20 NIV.

Brothers and sisters, stop thinking like children. In regard to evil be infants, but in your thinking be adults. 1 Corinthians 14:20 NIV

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, a warm and hearty welcome to you!

The verse according to 1 Corinthians 14:20 shows us a way of life. A meaningful life and in accordance with the christian way is what we need. Although the context of the above verse is about the Spiritual Gifts, but it can also be taken as it is for our growth in Christ.

Paul asks the members of the church to stop thinking like children. Although it is good for everyone to desire Spiritual Gifts, but there is need to choose wisely. Asking for things for which we are not ready is similar to a child asking for a baggage that he could never lift. Our desires should be on those which is beneficial for the man and above all for the glory of God.

If the matters revolve around evil and wicked things, then it is good to be an infant in likeness. Never allowing ourselves to be in the soup of pride, jealousy, arrogance, anger, rage, bitterness, hypocrisy, etc. But we be rather tender-hearted, with full of love, good-willed, ready to forgive for the glory of the living God.

And the final part is being like adults in our thinking. Yes our thinking and our thoughts should be like a mature person. Giving scope or enough room to the thought processes so as to make a decision which is righteous and acceptable to God rather than men. When our thought processes are aligned to God’s will, nodoubt we would be making the right decisions for the betterment of all. Certainly with the knowledge, wisdom and understanding we will be successful. Seek God and live an intelligent life, for He bestows to everyone who asks in the name of Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.