He Who Has the Son
Those who has the Son has life.
He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.

All the glory, praises and honor to God, the Heavenly Father in Jesus Christ’s matchless name !
The subject verse from the First Book of John gives us a great assurance of salvation. Indeed, this verse reveals us the God’s eternal plan of salvation. Out of His great love, the Almighty God gave us His only begotten Son. Yes, the Holy Father sent His own Son into this world as the Sacrificial Lamb. Most importantly, Jesus Christ our Lord chose to suffer pain, torture and the ultimate death on the Calvary Cross. Out of love and in His obedience to the will of the Holy Father, Jesus stepped down into this world.
Jesus the Sacrificial Lamb
It is clear from the Bible that the salvation for the whole humanity cannot be done in the way of usual sacrifices. The sacrifices of the animals or birds as in the Old Testament times are not meant for permanent removal of our sins. Therefore, God planned what we call it as the grand and eternal plan of salvation. The shedding of blood of any created being could never erase our sins permanently. Nevertheless, God who is righteous in His judgement took upon himself the punishment of the mankind and give us his righteousness and holiness. Therefore, the Son of God came down and became sin by taking the sins of the mankind. The punishment was inflicted upon Jesus, so as to give the eternal life to all those who believe in him.
Therefore, as the subject verse says, those who has the Son of God has the eternal life with him. Amen.