Tag: argue

People cannot argue with GOD

People cannot argue with God.

You are only what you were created to be—a human, and it is useless to argue about it. People cannot argue with God about this because he is more powerful than they are, and a long argument will not change that fact.

Ecclesiastes 6:11 ERV.

You are only what you were created to be—a human, and it is useless to argue about it. People cannot argue with God about this because he is more powerful than they are, and a long argument will not change that fact. Ecclesiastes 6:11 ERV

All the praises be to the living God!

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the above verse from Ecclesiastes 6:11 (ERV) makes it plain to us the universal truth. It is rather very interesting and very open in the Easy to Read Version (ERV). The said verse in ERV translation clearly grounds us to the reality. The truth is that we are created to be a human. Although God created man with all purity and goodness, man with his disobedience chose sinful nature. And now man with his inflated pride is questioning God.

Isn’t it common nowadays that we see lot of people who call themselves as atheists, agnostics, apostates etc. Their arguments against God or religious orientation can never change the truth. They try hard to argue against God so as to make themselves righteous in their own sight. Nevertheless, they can never change the fact. Whether they agree to God or not, I believe their conscience will always direct them to truth first. Those who make themselves deaf to God’s word are already dead in every way for they are blinded by the devil. They are in the dark clutches of the adversary. The devil always try to instigate those who are in its grip to talk against God.

Jesus is the only way.

Jesus, the begotten Son of the living God is our only way. As the Scripture says according to John 14:6:

Jesus answered, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. The only way to the Father is through me.”

Yes, He is the only one who can deliver all those in the grip of satan. Lord Jesus Christ loves even those atheists, agnostics, apostates, etc who are continually talking and arguing against Him. He is waiting for all those people to reconcile with Him. Jesus is eagerly waiting for you my dear friend. Please open your doors for Him. The works of the Lord, the Holy Spirit will always lead and remind you of the Omnipotent God. Our redeemer Jesus is at hand for all those who are lost in the darkness of this world.

Jesus had already given victory to us by the way of cross. He already took the sins of whole humanity upon Himself and atoned us completely. For those who believe and submit to Him are made victorious over eternal death. Therefore my friend, claim your victory by believing in Lord Jesus. Wash your sin stains with the blood that He shed on the Calvary cross. When you do that, you are made righteous. Yes the blood of Lord Jesus speaks for you. Amen.