God Rescues Me
God rescues me unharmed from the battle waged against me.
He rescues me unharmed from the battle waged against me, even though many oppose me.

Blessed Brothers and Sisters, warm welcome in Jesus’ matchless name!
Our Lord is the omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent God. As the above subject verse (Psalm 55:18) says, He rescues us unharmed from all oppressions and the battles waged against us. Even when there are many who oppose us, the Lord deals with each and everyone. The Bible says, the Lord is our refuge and our shield. As David put his hope in the word of God, let us also follow suit and receive God’s shield of grace.
You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word.
Psalm 119:114 NIV
Beloved, there is no one in this world who could give us the real protection. The help we receive from the people may not stand long or could be flimsy. But the strength we get from the Lord is unimaginable. Surely, we need not be afraid of those hurdles. For those who put their hope in Him receives the strength to move ahead even in all adverse conditions. The Bible says, when we love our God and acknowledge His mighty name, He rescues and protects us.
“Because he loves me,” says the Lord , “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
Psalm 91:14 NIV
Therefore, let us fully turn to our Lord Jesus and submit to the will of our Heavenly Father. He rescues all who put their hope in Him. And, no one is condemned who takes refuge in Him.
The Lord will rescue his servants; no one who takes refuge in him will be condemned.
Psalm 34:22 NIV
Let all the praises be to the Living God. In Jesus’ matchless name seek everything. Amen.