God of Justice
The gracious and compassionate Lord is a God of Justice.
Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ! Greetings and warm wishes in the mighty and matchless name of Lord Jesus Christ!
From the beginning God loved the mankind the most. He created the man and the woman in His image. From the ages He was steadfast in His love for us. From the Scriptures, we see that mankind rebelled against God all throughout the ages. The humanity tested God’s patience and perseverance by sinning against Him. While the great love and mercy of God (slow to anger) gave the humanity the time to reconcile with Him. God loved even when man was thick in sin and rebellion.
Psalm 145:8
‘The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.
Truly our Lord is gracious and also very much compassionate. Although mankind out-rightly deserves punishment, He is slow to anger and rich in love. More importantly our Lord is a God of justice. He always does what is right. He is capable of establishing righteousness, even when there seems to be no way. The best example being our own path of salvation. We are made righteous through our Lord Jesus Christ. Even though we are unworthy, but God made us worthy through His sacrifice of His begotten Son.
Finally brethren, blessed are those who wait on the Lord. Yes, no matter what the circumstances might be, our faith in God gives us the way. For truly, our Lord is our deliverer. He is above all things and every problem of ours is trivial. He leads us in His path of righteousness when we full depend upon Him. Therefore, let us give ourselves to the Almighty and bring glory to His name with our trust and obedience to Him. In Jesus matchless name alone. Amen.