Fools are thought Wise
Even fools are thought wise when they keep silent.
Even fools are thought wise when they keep silent; with their mouths shut, they seem intelligent.

Blessed and exalted be the name of the Almighty God !
The subject verse is a word of truth which is very practical in life. A quiet person with very few words is considered to be wise even when he is a fool. It is the natural perception of man towards silent people. Though the scriptures does not encourages or asks us to be silent fools; but it definitely calls for restraint in our talk. Our talk shall be clear and precise rather than vain or meaningless words. It is better for us to keep our mouth shut rather than utter any nonsensical words.
Beware of every idle word
The most important thing that we need to remember is that we shall speak when we have to. Yes, we shall not cease to speak when we are supposed to do the talk. Every child of God, who walks in the way of the Lord shall also match his talk. Moreover, our words shall not only be graceful to the listeners but also glorify the Almighty God. From the following below verses, the seriousness attributed to every idle word that we speak is plain to us. Every word spoken by us either clears our charges or condemn us to the eternal punishment.
‘And I tell you this, you must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak. The words you say will either acquit you or condemn you.”’
Matthew 12:36-37
Therefore brethren, let our words be few, but clear and precise for the glory of the Living God. Rather than uttering any worthless or idle words, be intelligent in keeping our mouths shut when not required. Let us seek God for His knowledge, wisdom and understanding in living our lives. In Jesus’ precious and matchless name alone. Amen.