The Generous will Prosper
The generous will prosper.
‘The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.’

All the glory, praises and honor be to the Omnipotent Holy Father in Jesus Christ’s precious name!
The core theme of the subject verse is about giving. In other words, it is about doing charity. I believe, for many of us, it is not a big deal. But the intent and the generosity with which we give, do matter in the sight of God.
When we talk about the intent, is it for the glory of the Almighty God or for our self exaltation? And by generosity, are we giving wholeheartedly and liberally allocating funds rather than a strict and miserly giving.
The Almighty God sees our heart in our works of charity. It is not about how much amount or quantity we give, but it is about bringing glory to the Lord our God.
Be blessed in Jesus precious name! Amen.