Tag: he will stand

My Redeemer Lives

My redeemer lives.

I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.

Job 19:25 NIV

I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth. Job 19:25 NIV https://job.bible/job-19-25

All the glory, praises and honor be to the Holy Father in Jesus’ precious name!

The subject verse brings before us Job’s confidence in his Redeemer. Through Job’s words in the subject chapter, we could see how his friends are tormenting him with their words. The tirade of accusations seemed never ending. Moreover, they aggravated both his mental and physical pain. Though the actual cause of Job’s suffering was not known to him; he continued in his reverence for the Almighty God. Truly, he was reverent in his suffering.

Trust in the Redeemer

Job acknowledges God’s anger against him (Job 19:11 NIV) while talking to his friend. But, his hope in the Almighty God never faded. And the subject verse proves his hope in the Redeemer. He was utterly sure that his Redeemer lives and would stand on the earth in the end. Job’s words resemble the coming of the Lord in His full glory to judge the world. Surely, the hope of salvation is uncompromising in the words of Job. His trust in the Lord even in his worst sufferings teaches us a lesson to depend on the Almighty God in our sufferings.

Therefore, let us continue to live our lives fully dependent on the Omnipotent God. The grace and mercy of our Lord sustains us in all situations. Our hope and life is our Lord Jesus Christ. Bless his mighty name. Give all the glory to the Holy Father who made us right through His Begotten Son.

In Jesus matchless name, Amen.