Sinful Unbelieving Heart
Let us not have a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God.
See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God.

All the glory, praises and honor be to the Holy Father in Jesus’ precious name !
It is common for everybody to go through a stage of dejection, hopelessness or even unbelief. And because of those things, rebelliousness creeps in our lives. Just like the Israelites how in their wilderness lost their sight of the Almighty and rebelled against Him. They were sinful and unbelieving even after experiencing all those mighty miracles that God did in their midst.
Sinful desires and unbelief
Just like the Israelites, everyone goes through bad times or even have experiences that are akin to the wilderness. What ever be the circumstances, our focus defines our moves. If we turn away our sight from the Lord and concentrate on our problems, then it is easy to get lost in this chaotic world. And in those problems and hurdles, the world looks for materials things for comfort. But sadly those things get us even farther from the Lord. Furthermore, when we distance ourselves from the Living God, unbelief sets in our hearts. And this unbelief makes us to forget all the good things and miracles that God did in our lives.
Brethren, we shall always look at our Lord Jesus in every circumstance. He is our Savior and Lord. Our focus shall always be upon Him for He is greater than any problem or hurdle. When we believe and turn to Him, we allow His light to fall on us. And when the light of the Lord shines on us, the darkness can never have its grip. With our hearts longing for the Lord to reign over us, we shall allow the will of the Heavenly Father to be established. And thereby, we walk in the path of light in Jesus’ precious name. Amen.