Death of the Cross
Jesus’ death of the cross is for the redemption of whole humanity.
And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.

Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, warm wishes and hearty greetings in Jesus’ matchless name.
The topic of the subject verse (Philippians 2:8) is a great mystery to many. And also to many of those who consider themselves as Christians. Moreover, I too was one among those Christians referred earlier. Thanks be to the Living God for revealing Himself to me.
Today’s world certainly attributes the death of the cross only to Christ. For it is quite common to see the pictures, statues, murals, plastic models, etc of Christ hanging on the cross. Though many of them are tempted to know; but never consider to ask. I am sure, those who are eager to know God shall seek and know Him. For He is always available to one and all. But first, why did God the Son came down into this world? The Bible says, Jesus humbled himself to take the form in the likeness of men; as a bondservant. He left the glory of the heaven and chose to take birth in a stinky manger. But why? Just for you and me.
God gave up Himself once and for all. The ultimate sacrifice that He did on the Cross is for the whole humanity. The sacrifice is for those who were born before us and to those who were born after us. Evenmore it is for those who are yet to be born. Yes, even for the people who are yet to born are covered. As the scripture says, He became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.
The Sacrificial Lamb
God never wanted us to be perished to the eternity. For the righteousness of God wants us to punished for our sins, transgressions and abominations. But His love wants us to be saved and to be taken to the Holy Kingdom. Therefore, to save us He gave up Himself as the Sacrificial Lamb. He humbled and gave fully to the will of the Heavenly Father. By His death, He conquered the death.
Finally beloved, let us be saved by accepting Jesus as our Lord and God. For we by ourselves can never overcome and cleanse all the evil and wicked things. Therefore, fully turn to Him and ask Him to cleanse us with the blood that He shed on the Cross. In Jesus name alone, we have the victory and life. Amen.