Tag: invisible qualities

Without Excuse

People are without excuse in the knowledge of God’s invisible qualities, eternal power and divine nature.

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

Romans 1:20 NIVUK

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. Romans 1:20 NIVUK https://bible.com/bible/113/rom.1.20.NIVUK

All the glory, praises and honor be to the Heavenly Father in Jesus’ precious name !

From the time immemorial, man had been observant of all God’s creation. Though the Omnipotent God is invisible, but His intelligent design is visible. Yes, the manifestation of His grand intelligent design in the whole creation is not only visible but baffling to the human mind. The complex biological structures of any single living being questions many theories of science and atheistic notions. In fact, science has no perfect answers for the beginning of life. Overall, assumptions and presumptions constitute the major part of science.

His invisible qualities

In spite of all advances of science, we could only perceive a little of God’s wondrous works. Truly, God’s invisible qualities are visible in the nature. The existence of love, compassion, goodness, kindness and other moral values proves that God created man in his likeness. Though the fall of man has led to the bitterness that exists, but it cannot disprove any of the God’s invisible qualities.

His eternal power

Undoubtedly, we see God’s eternal power in and around us. The existence of mankind and the heavenly bodies requires the continuance of God’s set equilibrium. The forces of nature is one such power that we see in this physical world. While God’s mighty power protects us continually in the spiritual realm from the evil and wicked forces.

His divine nature

The Almighty God is perfect and the essence of His divine nature is love and righteousness. And as God made man in his own image. man exhibits these intrinsic qualities in his own life too. Although it may not be of the same magnitude which God wants. But in fair amounts by the real children of God.

Finally brethren, God has revealed everything to us through the nature itself. So that there is no excuse for the people to say that there is no God. More importantly, God showed himself through His begotten Son, Jesus Christ. The sacrifice of His Son shows God’s love and righteousness. The love of God vouched for our redemption of sins while His righteousness called for our punishment. Therefore, Jesus took our punishments and gave his righteousness to us. So as to save us from our sins.

All the glory be to the Living God in Jesus mighty and matchless name. Amen.