Right to do anything
The right to do anything …
“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive.

Hallelujah ! Praises and honor be to the Living God!
The subject verse from the first epistle to the Corinthians has a deeper implications on the part of believers. Yes, it is not a vague idea presented from the context. For it has a profound value in the lives of others who follow the believers. As a staunch believer we shall be doing things which are natural to us, but it may not be the same for a new believer of Christ.
As the first part of the verse say, we may be right in doing something but it may not be beneficial. Yes, it may not be beneficial neither to us nor to those who follow us in serving the Lord Jesus. Though what we do may be lawful in our sight, but it may be a hindrance for others. In that way, our act shall not be beneficial if it becomes a hindrance to a brother in Christ. In other words, our actions should be constructive and encourage others to prosper in Christ.
The salvation which is through Christ Jesus, does not necessarily allow us to do anything. Some people may be quick to say that my sins are forgiven, therefore I have the liberty to do anything and everything. NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT ! For the salvation is a gift from the Almighty God and it is a lifelong process. We strive to become in the likeness of our Lord all throughout of our lives. Moreover, we continue to believe and trust in the only begotten Son of God by whom we shall have the eternal life. Therefore, we shall only do things which leads others to Him and glorifies His mighty name. Amen.