Who Knowingly Does Not
It is sin to him who knowingly does not do right.
So any person who knows what is right to do but does not do it, to him it is sin.

All the glory be to the Almighty Holy Father. Exalted be the mighty and matchless name of our Lord our God Jesus Christ!
The following verse from the Book of James literally jolts everyone to reflect within. Yes, the subject verse necessitates us to think about our actions in respect of those rightful things. Are we in the same group of so called believers who do not do what is right in the sight of God ? Coming to the context of the verse, it talks about our self confidence, our own will and future plans. We can boast about our plans which may or may not be against the will of God. And unless God wills, nothing shall go according to our plans.
God’s will
Very importantly, it is the will of God that prevails. If God puts in us his plans, we cannot pretend to be ignorant. By the Holy Scriptures, it is clear that God lets us know of His divine plans. And primarily He works in us through Lord the Holy Spirit. Moreover, He may use any of the infinite ways to let us know His will. But if we choose not to do His will, then He may abruptly stop us. It is for us to understand that God’s will is always the right thing. The Bible says that we can make our plans, but it is the Lord who directs our steps.
In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.
Proverbs 16:9 NIV
So brethren, if it is God who is directing us and we rebel against Him, is it not a sin ? Are we not guilty of disobedience, when we ignore what the Holy Spirit of God is saying to us ? Indeed, everyone who knowingly does not do what is right or do the will of God is imputed with sin.
‘Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. ‘
Philippians 4:6
Therefore, let us heed to the voice of God. Even if we make our own plans, first put them before God and seek His will. As the above verse says, pray and ask in Jesus’ precious name. And never cease to thank God for all things he had done.
In Jesus’ precious name be blessed. Amen.