Tag: joel 1:14

Cry Out to the Lord

Cry out to the Lord, my beloved for it is the call of the hour.

Consecrate a fast; call a solemn assembly. Gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land to the house of the Lord your God, and cry out to the Lord .

Joel 1:14 ESV

Consecrate a fast; call a solemn assembly. Gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land to the house of the Lord your God, and cry out to the Lord . Joel 1:14 ESV https://bible.com/bible/59/jol.1.14.ESV

Glory, praises and honor to God the Holy Father in Lord Jesus Christ’s precious name !

Beloved brethren, it is indeed the call of the hour — cry out to the Lord Almighty. Let us consecrate a fast for all the things that are going in this world, There cannot be another better time to come to this realization. As the subject verse from the Book of Joel calls for, it is the call of the hour. From the subject chapter we could see that the people were attacked by armies of insects. The plague of locusts that were upon them had devastated the whole land. The proud and rebellious generation were shaken to the core. The Omnipotent God who is the Creator has the power and control over everything. He has the power to unleash a plague of locusts or the viruses to humble the rude.

Consecrate a fast

Ascertaining the things that are passing in front of our eyes, the conditions seems no better than those of the ancient times. The current pandemic COVID-19 has shocked us to the core. As the subject verse calls for a holy fast, let us indeed do what the word of God says. This fasting does not mean to skip meals for a period of time. But it is to be holy in the sight of God and draw near to him. Truly, we are to lament, wail and fast to seek God’s grace and mercies. Surely, the Lord our God wants us to be closer to him. He indeed seeks a holy intimate relationship with us. Today it might be the COVID-19, tomorrow it might be some other even more lethal.

Therefore brethren, let us do what the word of God says. Let us not go astray from the Lord, but be in the shadow of his mighty wings. Consecrate a fast, but in our own premises abiding to the law of social distancing. Though the current situation calls for social distancing, by the power of the Holy Spirit we are all together in doing the will of the Almighty God. Fast in Jesus’ matchless name. Amen.