Tag: joyful

Sing to the Lord

Let us sing to the Lord

Oh come, let us sing to the Lord ; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!

Psalms 95:1 ESV.

Oh come, let us sing to the Lord ; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Psalms 95:1

Loving greetings in the precious name of Lord Jesus Christ!

God blessed us with the ability/talent to create music and sing songs. Yes, music makes us joyful and uplift our moods. Many will agree that a good piece of music crosses all boundaries and will be enjoyed by all. Literally, music has no barriers of language or ethnicity. Moreover it unites people in the process of singing. The talents with which we are blessed are not meant to be buried deep down. Our gift of singing should not be limited to washrooms or closets. Rather we should be gloryify God by singing hymns and songs not only in churches and gatherings (Psalm 149:1), but also at every opportunity.

We are abundantly blessed when we worship Him with all those gifts that were bestowed upon us. Most importantly, by worshipping God, we invite Him into our lives more intimately. By His presence, we also have His peace and happiness in our lives. In contrast, you may say that you do not have the gift of singing, but it is said that everyone who has a mouth should sing to the Lord. As it is written in the Bible, “Oh sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord , all the earth!” (Psalms 96:1 ESV). So, it is very clear that the whole earth should sing to the Lord.

Finally brethren, let us not excuse ourselves and not sing, but always glorify him joyfully singing songs of praise. Amen.