Who Fear My Name
You who fear my name… you will go free, leaping with joy like calves.
“But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture.

Blessed be the name of the Almighty God !
The subject verse from the last chapter of the Book of Malachi brings before us the righteous act of God. As understood from the context of the chapter, it is the Prophet Malachi’s plea for the people of Israel to be faithful to the Almighty God. He warns the arrogant and the wicked of the impending judgement of the Living God. He also makes it plain how they shall be blessed if they fear the righteous God.
Who fear My Name
The prophet in the words of the Almighty says that the Sun of Righteousness shall arise for all who fear His name. And the prophet Malachi speaks the words concerning the Messiah, Lord Jesus here. The coming of Jesus to the rescue of the Israel is what they hoped for centuries. And this hope of the Messiah sustained the godly. Just like the sun rays bring warmth and light to the creation, the Messiah shall be the light and life of the mankind. Moreover, He shall heal all those who believe in Him. Yes, the healing is not only meant for the physical bodies, but also to our mental and spiritual states.
Truly, when we shall be free of every sin, abomination, transgression, iniquity, etc., we shall leap with joy of salvation. And the Bible says, this salvation is free for all who believe in the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Therefore, believe in Jesus Christ and wash ourselves with the blood that He shed on the Calvary Cross. The holy blood of Christ cleanses us and makes us free. And those who seek Jesus as their Lord and Savior, shall surely leap with joy just like the calves let out to pasture.
Finally brethren, let us leap with joy in Jesus’ precious and matchless name. Amen.