You are the Light
“You are the light of the world.”
“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.

All the glory, praises and honor be to the Holy Father in Jesus’ precious name !
The subject verse is from those part of the verses where in the Lord speaks of us as the light of the world. From the context of the subject, it is the apostles to whom He is speaking. But it applies to every child of God. Just as Jesus is the light of the world, He wanted His apostles, disciples or every worker of Christ to be the light of the world. Yes, we are the light of the world who reflect the light of Jesus over the people who are still in dark.
‘But while I am here in the world, I am the light of the world.”’
John 9:5
Every one who follows Jesus and adheres to His teachings is His disciple. Truly, we are His disciples as we follow and submit to Him. The Bible says that the Apostles were commissioned to make disciples of all the nations of the world. And they did that till their last breath and also encouraging the disciples to make others as disciples of Christ. Today, it is also our duty to make disciples of Christ. As the following verse says, we shall go and make disciples.
‘Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, Or all peoples. baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”’
Jesus the true light of the world
Every one who ministers, preaches or tell the good news of God are light of the world. And we the lights of the world are collectively the church of God. Moreover, Jesus says that a city that is built on a hill cannot be hidden. He considers us the church as the city built on top of a hill. Truly, the church cannot be hidden. Moreover, the church shall be the light to those in dark. And those in darkness shall know the true light, Jesus Christ through the church.
Therefore brethren, let us continue to be the lights of the world as commissioned by our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us lead those in the darkness to Jesus Christ, the true light of the world. Amen.