Tag: psalm 23:6

House of the Lord

Dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

… I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Psalm 23:6 NIV.

I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Psalm 23:6 NIV

Greetings in the mighty and matchless name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Dear brothers and sisters, I believe no one requires introduction to the famous and widely recited Psalm. Every child of God would be familiar with Psalm 23 in which King David reverently calls the Lord as Shepherd. And who wouldn’t want a Shepherd like our Lord Jesus. The first and foremost thing that comes from the Shepherd is safety and security of the sheep. Secondly, He leads to the green pastures and quiet waters which implies sufficient if not abundance of food. He protects and shields from all evil and leads in the right path. Finally, dwelling in the house of the Lord. Yes, ultimately it is coming to the house of the Lord.

Dear brethren, our ultimate goal is to be in the Lord’s presence, in His very own house. It is where we have the fullness of joy and peace. Surely the love of God radiates to every corner of the house. Praise and worship to glorify the living God is everybody’s passion in there. The eternal life with God is paramount for all of us. If we miss-direct ourselves and go away from the Shepherd; nodoubt we are prey to the wolves. So, where do we stand now – with God or away from Him? What is the final destination – the Lord’s house or the devil’s den?

Run to the safety of Lord Jesus Christ.

Beloved, the time is ticking away. Are you lost and faraway for Him? Shout for the Lord, for He definitely comes to you. Yes, the good Shepherd is ready to leave the other sheep and scale the rocky mountains in search of you. Maybe He has already come and waving at you. Please do not choose to neglect Him but run to the safety of His outstretched arms. Yes, Lord Jesus our good Shepherd is lovingly calling you. Run like never before to the Lord. Amen.