Tag: psalms

Never forget God’s Commandments

Never forget God’s commandments, for they are life for us.

I will never forget Your precepts, For by them You have given me life.

Psalms 119:93 NKJV.

Commandments of God

The commandments of God are life to us. Whether one believes or not, it is a fact that the world remains sane because of the existence of precepts of God. All the commandments of God are built on one thing – love. We continue to exist in this world, only because of God’s love. For God is love. He loved us so much that He gave us His begotten Son as the sacrificial lamb to atone us from our own sins. That’s why the greatest commandments call us to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul and mind. And love our neighbor as ourselves. And truly God’s commandments gives us life.

In Jesus’ matchless name be blessed. Amen.