Deliver My Life
O Lord , deliver my life.
Turn, O Lord , deliver my life; save me for the sake of your steadfast love.

All the glory, praises and honor to the Heavenly Father in Jesus’ precious name!
The Almighty God is merciful. And the Psalmist brings before us a verse that highlights the same nature of our God. It is understood that those who forgive are called merciful. Throughout the Bible, we could see God being merciful over the mankind. Also, the Bible says that God is not only rich in mercies, but abundant in love.
Rich in mercies
God’s rich mercies shows us His love and forgiveness. No doubt, the Psalmist knows the heart of the Living God and seeks his deliverance. He pleads to deliver his life because of God’s steadfast love. For God does not abandon those who turn to Him and seek His great mercies. As the following verse says, the Omnipotent God is gracious and merciful.
But in your great mercy, you did not destroy them completely or abandon them forever. What a gracious and merciful God you are!
Nehemiah 9:31 NLT
It is important to realize why Lord Jesus Christ came into this world? Indeed, it is because of His great love for the mankind and the quality of forgiveness. The merciful God chose to save us from our sins by giving up Himself in our place up on the Calvary Cross. Yes, He bore our sins, transgressions, abominations, iniquities and everything that is evil and wicked. Just like the Psalmist, it is for everyone to believe in Him and seek His deliverance. For the Son of God, Jesus is the only way to the Holy Father and His Holy Kingdom. Therefore, let us turn to Him who can deliver us from the eternal damnation and give life to the eternity.
In Jesus’ precious name be blessed and be saved. Amen.