Day: 10 October 2018

I have chosen you

I have chosen you, declares the Lord Almighty.

I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you, declares the Lord Almighty.

Haggai 2:23.

I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you, declares the Lord Almighty. Haggai 2:23

Greetings in the mighty and matchless name of Lord Jesus Christ.

Truly the Lord has chosen you. It is not by any accident or by any coincidence that you took birth in this world. But you are the creation of the Almighty God. Who crafted you in His image. Yes, God made both man and woman in His image. He knew you and me even before we were conceived. He has specific plans for all of us. The plans to bless us and make us to be fruitful in all things. Do you believe that? His plans are only to bless us abundantly. His will, the God’s will, is perfect and the best. It is up to us to walk in His will or go with the flow of the world.

Honestly, God’s path may not be all green throughout our journey, but take heart that He is always with us at each and every step and at all the times. He strengthens us to fight our way to the crown of life that He promised to all of us. It is absolutely true, Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice so as to give us the crown. By the blood He shed on the Calvary Cross, He gave us the opportunity to become the children of God and also us the heirship to the holy kingdom. What an awesome God we have? Do you know that we are here in this world only for a short duration? Nodoubt we live to the eternity, but it is either with God or without God. Without God, it is the eternal condemnation to hellfire.

Therefore, let us walk in His righteousness and seek His holy kingdom. The Almighty Lord declares that you are His signet ring, for He has chosen you for His glory. Amen.