Set you free

The truth will set you free.

And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

John 8:32 ESV.

and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32 ESV

Dear beloved, greetings and warm wishes in the name of Lord Jesus Christ!

We often find this sentence, “The truth will set you free” displayed at many places. Seen more often at educational buildings and courts of law. This sentence implies some meaning depending upon the place where it is placed. So in the educational context it may imply that education liberates people from ignorance. Likewise at the courts of law, it may imply that the truth always prevails or justice to those in truth. Similarly, you may derive many meanings from different contexts. Although this did not originate from any of those above sources, but it very specifically came from Jesus. Yes, Lord Jesus said this (John 8:32).

The context of the above sentence is from John 8:31-38 and the rest of the chapter gives us even more clear picture. Jesus says that whoever abides in his words are truly his disciples. And those who practice sin are slaves to sin. Because a slave can never free himself, he needs a deliverer. But the one who believes in Jesus knows the truth. The truth that Jesus is the Son of God, who came down from the Heavenly Father to set free all who have sinned. As the scriptures say Jesus is the only way to the Holy Father and the Holy Kingdom. More importantly, He is the truth and the life. And Lord Jesus already did the work of deliverance by the way of Cross. So let us leave every evil and wicked way and fully surrender to the Living God. Finally seek the Lord continually and also share the good news. Blessed be the mighty name of our Lord Jesus. Amen.