Christ’s Blood on the Cross
God reconciled everything to himself by means of Christ’s blood on the cross.
and through him God reconciled everything to himself. He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of Christ’s blood on the cross.

Praises and honor be to God, the Heavenly Father in our Lord Jesus Christ’s precious name !
The subject verse brings before us the indispensable truth about God’s plan of eternal salvation. This is the God’s plan to rescue the whole humanity from its own sins, transgressions, abominations, iniquities and so on. Our Lord Jesus Christ is preeminent in this plan of reconciliation.
The whole mankind was thick in its sins and very much called for God’s wrath. Because of the sins, the whole humanity is separated from God. And so, reconciliation with God is paramount to avoid His wrath. The Righteous God hates sin which engulfed the whole humanity. Though God’s righteousness is obligated to punish us for our sins, but His love called for reconciliation. And so the Son of God, Lord Jesus came down in to this world as the Sacrificial Lamb.
Redemption through Jesus’ Blood
Truly as the verse says, God made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of his Begotten Son’s blood on the Calvary cross. Very importantly, it is His blood which has washed us clean and made righteous in the sight of the Almighty God. Truly, it is blood of His Begotten Son that the Holy Father sees instead of our sins. Jesus’ pure and holy blood now speaks for all who believed and accepted Him as their Savior.
Therefore brethren, everybody who washes their sins with the shed blood of Lord Jesus Christ has redemption. Jesus died for all by taking the sins of the whole humanity upon Himself. By His death on the cross, He gave us victory over the eternal death of hell.
Now as the children of the Almighty God who are washed in the blood of His Begotten Son, let us live our lives in His righteousness and holiness. Furthermore, let us continue to live our lives by telling the good news of God’s redemption in Jesus Christ for all. Amen.