Day: 12 November 2018

Children of God

We are all children of God.

See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are…

1 John 3:1 ESV

See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are... 1 John 3:1 ESV

Dear brothers and sisters, greetings in the mighty and matchless name of Lord Jesus Christ!

It would definitely be extremely intriguing when we think about all the things that are happening around us. I think man can never comprehend God’s intelligent design. How wondrous are each and everything that He created. Even we do not know fully about ourselves. Since the very beginning, man had been trying to know many things. Even to this day, there is much to know about ourselves. But the almighty God knows each and everything about us, for He created us. Most importantly, God loved us much more than all the beings and things of His creation. Even when man rebelled against Him and sinned, He did not forsook the mankind. But gave His begotten Son, our Lord Jesus as a ransom for our atonement. But why? Why at all did He give His own begotten Son? Because GOD LOVED US. As the Bible says according to John 3:16:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

In short, it is the love of God which enabled us to have the Son of God, Lord Jesus as our saviour. Without our Lord, there is no other way by which we become the children of God. Yes, Lord Jesus is the one and only way. As the Scripture says in Galatians 3:26:

So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith.

From the above it makes us clear that it is in the faith of Jesus, we all become God’s children. Therefore brethren, let us strive to continually live our lives in the righteousness of God and live to do the will of the Heavenly Father with the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.