Temple of God
Do not neglect the Temple of God.
“We promise together not to neglect the Temple of our God.”

Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, let all the praises and blessings be to the Almighty God!
What a great day and even more great is our subject verse (Nehemiah 10:39) for the day! Though we have taken only the last part of the verse for the above subject picture, the full part of the verse is as below:
The people and the Levites must bring these offerings of grain, new wine, and olive oil to the storerooms and place them in the sacred containers near the ministering priests, the gatekeepers, and the singers. “We promise together not to neglect the Temple of our God.”
Nehemiah 10:39 NLT
Most importantly, the verse talks about the temple offerings. Though it asks the people and the Levites of the ancient times, it is equally applicable to us also. From the verse it is obvious that all the children of God and the clergy are to bring offerings to the church. Therefore, offer the best offerings with an open heart for the glory of the Living God. Above all, it shows the love that we have for our Lord. Therefore, let all the stores of the church be filled for the mighty works and plans of the God.
Do it for the glory of our Lord
Certainly, the promise in the verse calls all the members to come together for upholding the church. We the members of the church should never neglect. To be precise, it is not only the neglection in supporting the church but also the neglection in assembling ourselves for worship. I believe, we all have neglected both ways in the past. Therefore beloved, the time is absolutely ripe to give to the Lord, Act right now, let us give Him not only our time and money, but everything that are His. Certainly, it is impossible for man, to give God what He is worth. But we should ensure to give the best and the maximum that is possible, And everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen